
journey ongoing front cover



Inspired primarily by his domestic and international travels, Michael Dudley's JOURNEY ONGOING is a major volume of 175 haiku that also includes an illuminative preface, colour photos and fonts, and nine translations. His poems extensively and comprehensively explore both inspirational experiences and moments, as well as a vast range of poetic styles, structures, forms, contents, and themes. Order Now

pilgrimage novel



INTERCHANGE is a unique collaboration whose interrelated contents deftly illume and affect. Designed for readers who appreciate the haiku form, the volume also serves as an excellent resource for literature and creative writing teachers as well as a source of understanding and inspiration for students.  

In the introduction, Tom Clausen details the origination and development of the Mann Library Daily Haiku project that he began over three decades ago and now represents a critical source and record of international poetry.  

In the pages that follow, 31 of his photographs are paired with an equal selection of Michael Dudley’s haiku and correlated prose commentary in which Dudley discusses the circumstances and inspiration of each poem. Order Now

pilgrimage novel

NEXUS haiku


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NEXUS haiku is a co-authored, cross-cultural, bilingual collection of 85 stand-alone haiku and senryu, five sequences, and five rengay that were equally co-created, composed collaboratively in person and online from October 2018 - August 2021.

In the foreword, Sanela Pliško states that the volume is a "journey through seasons, villages and towns, seas and mountains, from which one can read a combination of the authors' experiences as if they lived one life."

The book includes expressive artwork by Nina Šestanović: a vibrant, full-colour front cover and thematically related, minimalist interior sketches. Order Now

pilgrimage novel



Melodic and luminous, insightfully humorous, continuously wondrous — the evocative and provocative haiku of pilgrimage lead the reader on a compelling, encompassing journey of body, mind, and spirit. Selected from his 15 previous collections, including some of his earliest work and many of his most recent poems, pilgrimage is the definitive expression of Michael Dudley’s distinctive achievement.

Foreword by Richard R. Powell.
Wood Engravings by Wesley W. Bates. Order Now